Objective: Centralize the management and monitoring of maritime unloading operations to enhance traceability and reduce disputes.

Description: Development of a global intranet-extranet platform to oversee daily ship unloading processes, including onboard, under-crane, and warehouse operations. The solution also enables automatic generation of final reports on damages incurred during operations. Designed for ship captains, shipowners, importers, charterers, and insurers, the application features dynamic forms, customized workflows, and PDF report generation via FPDF. Completed in five months, the technical architecture utilizes Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, and VB6. Hosting is provided by OVH, with a hierarchical and distributed management system for international ports, ensuring optimal data traceability.
Objective: Optimize payment reconciliation to reduce disputes and improve the efficiency of administrative processes.

Description: Development of an extranet designed to assist with the reconciliation of client payments, featuring a high-performance multi-criteria search engine capable of handling a database with over 4 million records. The application supports fast searches and multi-filter grouping, with daily import and automatic indexing of 40,000 new records. Completed in 5 months, the project uses a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) architecture and Paradox, operating in a heterogeneous environment requiring a rigorous update procedure.
Objective: Facilitate the creation of interactive web applications for real-time data acquisition and visualization.

Description: Development and redesign of the front-end for the platform enabling engineers and scientists to quickly design web applications for real-time collection and visualization of geographic data. The project includes the overhaul of the Leaflet Maps plugin, addition of shape editing features (Leaflet Draw), compliance with GeoJSON, integration of Mapbox and Kepler.gl maps, marker cluster management, and visualizations using the Echarts library. Delivered over 24 months, the project leverages modern technologies such as JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS3, AngularJS, Angular, and Webpack, ensuring optimal interactivity and performance.