Portail web softia

Objective: Centralize and analyze health data to enhance health monitoring and decision-making.

Objectif Centraliser et analyser les données de santé pour améliorer la veille sanitaire et la prise de décision._Softia_ESN

Description: Development of a health monitoring tool enabling the collection, sorting, and extraction of data related to specific therapeutic acts, with a processing capacity exceeding 10,000 acts. Designed using an Agile methodology, the project includes corrective and evolutionary maintenance, as well as secure hosting on an HDS-certified infrastructure. Delivered in 4 months, followed by 12-month renewable hosting, the application leverages modern technologies such as HTML5, JavaScript, VueJs, ReactJS, NodeJs, and PostgreSQL, while ensuring GDPR and RGAA compliance.

Objective: Centralize the management and validation of clinical cases to streamline the creation and distribution of marketing materials.

pexels-tima-miroshnichenko-6755065_Objectif Optimiser les campagnes de marketing pour une organisation publique_Softia_ESN

Description: Development of a global extranet dedicated to managing clinical cases, allowing their consultation and validation by a marketing team, followed by automatic generation of PDF brochures. The project included designing mockups, developing workflows and forms, and integrating dynamic features using FPDF to create scalable documents. Completed in one month, the project is built on a flexible architecture utilizing Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, and is hosted at OVH.

Objective: Centralize and distribute educational resources to promote the use of digital technologies in primary education.

pexels-jeswin-3380743_Objectif Moderniser et sécuriser l’accès à la base de données des inscrits au baccalauréat pour améliorer l’efficacité et la fiabilité des consultations._Softia_ESN

Description: Development and complete redesign of an internet portal aimed at providing educational resources for primary education, featuring a comprehensive workflow for creating, validating, publishing, and archiving educational materials. The project also includes document and archive indexing via the Solr search engine based on Lucene. Delivered in six months with two years of maintenance, the project leverages technologies such as PHP5, Typo3, MySQL4, JavaScript, and Apache2, and is hosted internally.