Portail web softia

Objective: Digitize and centralize stock market data visualization for improved operational efficiency.

Objectif Digitaliser et centraliser la visualisation des données boursières pour une meilleure efficacité opérationnelle._Softia_ESN

Description: Development of an intranet enabling real-time visualization, history tracking, and updates on stock market actions managed by brokers. The project included a detailed technical and functional study, data model design, development, existing data integration, and testing. Completed in three months, the solution leverages technologies such as JSP/Servlet and Sybase, with a Tiblink-Corba interface for daily updates. The tool also features interactive graphs powered by JChart and is hosted on a secure internal infrastructure.

Objective: Modernize and optimize an intranet dedicated to managing building expertise files.

pexels-googledeepmind-17485657_Objectif Moderniser et optimiser un outil de gestion des emplois et de la masse salariale pour les structures publiques_Softia_ESN

Description: Complete overhaul of a business application used to manage files related to building expertise, including compliance and administrative regulations. The project significantly improved data access performance, added new functionalities, and updated detailed specifications and the projected timeline. Developed using PHP5, Zend Framework 2, Apache, MySQL/Oracle on Linux, and hosted internally, the project was completed in six months.

Objective: Digitize expense management and staff activity tracking for a public institution.

Objectif Digitaliser la gestion des notes de frais et des activités du personnel pour une institution publique._Softia_ESN

Description: Development and evolutionary maintenance of an expense reimbursement module, including an export interface to accounting software. The project involves migrating an Excel-based activity tracking tool to a modern 3-tier architecture, featuring LDAP authentication and advanced functionalities for accounting exports. Completed in 8 months, the project leverages an MVC architecture based on the Zend framework, optimized database design, and a technological environment including Windows, IIS, Apache, PHP5, and Oracle9i.