Objective: Perform in-depth analysis of strategic markets and evaluate the impact of promotional campaigns for pharmaceutical products.

Description: Complete redesign of an application dedicated to strategic market analysis in the pharmaceutical sector, including the evaluation of promotional campaigns, competitive impact, and strategic monitoring. The project involved drafting detailed specifications, development, and deployment. Features include physician surveys via LimeSurvey, a back-office for rights and reference management, and data extraction and aggregation tools through web services (SOA). Results are presented as tables, charts, and scatter plots in Ms PowerPoint. Delivered in 4 months, followed by TMA from 2011 to 2015, the application leverages C#.NET, Ms Office 2010, Linux, and is hosted by Network Consulting.
Objective: Optimize quality management for maintenance projects of administrative and HR applications in a public transportation organization.

Description: Development of an extranet dedicated to monitoring and managing software components of administrative and human resources management applications. Features include tracking component modifications, component qualification, hotfix management, platform version tracking, and delivery of software components. The project involved database design, software development, and the creation of technical deliverables (installation guides, programmer and user manuals). Delivered within 7 months, the application leverages technologies such as Unix, Apache, PHP4&5, and Oracle, supporting interactions from 40 simultaneous users in an integrated production chain environment.
Objective: Provide detailed statistical analysis of secondary education objectives for improved academic decision-making.

Description: Development of an intranet tool dedicated to analyzing academic indicators under the program 141 of the LOLF law. The project includes dynamic content display, customized exports in TXT and CSV formats, and advanced graphical visualizations such as hexagonal maps, scatter plots, and histograms. Delivered within just 2.5 months with a budget of €37,000, the application leverages PHP5, Symfony, JpGraph, and Oracle. Hosted locally within the ministry’s secure infrastructure, this solution ensures compliance with institutional requirements.