Portail web softia

Objective: Simplify the management of schedules and overtime to enhance team coordination and efficiency.

Objectif Simplifier la gestion des plannings et des heures supplémentaires pour améliorer la coordination et l’efficacité des équipes.

Description: Development of an application resulting from the merger of two existing systems to centralize activity scheduling, overtime management, and team coordination. The project includes an audit of the existing systems, an in-depth technical-functional study, development, automated testing, and production deployment. Leveraging modern technologies such as ReactJS17, PHP7.4, RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL, and Grafana, this solution ensures smooth and efficient workflow management. Hosted on dedicated production and backup sites, the application provides optimal reliability and compliance with organizational needs.

Objective: Automate compensation calculations to simplify management and improve process accuracy.

pexels-pixabay-50711_Objectif Automatiser le calcul des indemnisations pour simplifier la gestion et améliorer la précision des processus_Softia_ESN

Description: Development and maintenance of an intranet site dedicated to victim compensation calculations, featuring a calculation engine based on complex formulas and a structured workflow. The project includes a detailed technical and functional study, mockup design, data modeling (MCD-MPD), development, testing, and evolutionary maintenance. Completed within just three months, the application leverages modern technologies such as PHP5, Smarty, MS SQL Server 2010, and IIS7. Hosted on secure internal servers, the solution ensures compliance with legal requirements and optimized case management.

Objective: Promote the economic and cultural attractiveness of the Paris region to foreign investors by providing streamlined access to information.

Objectif Promouvoir l’attractivité économique et culturelle de la région parisienne pour les investisseurs étrangers en facilitant l’accès à l’information.

Description: Development and ongoing maintenance (TMA) of a content management site designed to attract foreign investors and talent to the Paris region. The project includes initial creation under Drupal, regular updates, and migration to Drupal 10. Features include interactive modules for international visitors and an optimized search engine for quick access to relevant information. The site serves several thousand users, with a direct impact on investment decisions. Built using modern technologies such as Drupal, PHP, Apache, and SQL, the project has delivered tangible results, with extended contracts running through 2025.