Portail web softia

Objective: Modernize and digitize a forecasting tool for higher education enrollment to enable strategic planning at national and academic levels.

Objectif Moderniser et digitaliser un outil de prévision des effectifs dans l’enseignement supérieur pour une planification stratégique à l’échelle nationale et académique._Softia_ESN

Description: Complete overhaul of an annualized forecasting tool for student enrollment, incorporating new statistical models and handling a significant data volume (+1 million occurrences over more than 10 years). The project involves migration to a modern web architecture, leveraging advanced technologies such as C#, MVC.NET, MongoDB (NoSQL), and API/Json integration. Delivered within 24 months with possible extensions via tacit renewal, the tool is hosted locally in the ministry’s secure infrastructure.

Objective: Centralize school communication to promote their initiatives for combating illiteracy.

Objectif Centraliser la communication des établissements scolaires pour promouvoir leurs initiatives de prévention contre l’illettrisme.

Description: Development of a national intranet/internet site allowing schools to share their activities related to the prevention of illiteracy. The project includes a detailed technical and functional study, mockup design, data modeling (MCD-MPD), development, and testing. Delivered within just two months with a budget of €15,000, the application is built on a LAMP architecture (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) and features an interactive dashboard and an RSS channel (RSS 0.91 – XML standard). Hosted within the ministry’s secure facilities, this solution ensures centralized and efficient management of educational initiatives.

Objective: Forecast annual student enrollment to enable strategic planning at national, academic, and departmental levels.

Objectif Moderniser et digitaliser un outil de prévision des effectifs dans l’enseignement supérieur pour une planification stratégique à l’échelle nationale et académique._Softia_ESN

Description: Development of a forecasting tool for secondary education enrollment, allowing the generation of specific reports and departmental and academic summaries. The project includes the integration of an annualized forecasting workflow, customization of statistical exports, and strategic advisory support for the client. Delivered within just two months with a budget of €24,000, the application leverages the Symfony framework and an Oracle database, hosted in the ministry’s secure facilities.